Sunday, October 10, 2010

Never Fear More Rural Internet Solutions

As little as 5km out of town it can be very difficult to be able to get high speed. You call all the internet providers you know of but no luck. You try the internet provider you had in town and they say that high speed will be coming to your area in 3 months. You wait and call in three months but they say in another three months. Broadband never comes to your area. After this you give up hope and figure you'll have to just have dial-up and wait twenty minutes for a three minute video to load. You miss any calls you get when you are on the internet and waiting ten minutes for graphics to load on sites such as the apple home site. Never fear though there are more rural internet providers they often just take a lot of research to find.

1. Hubs

In Canada Bell and Rogers have hubs that use the 3g network (mobile internet) to provide you with internet service. This is what I have for internet and I have it through Rogers and it is pretty fast. This is great if you have a good cell phone signal where you live. Through Rogers or Bell it is $150 to buy the hub and $400 not on contract. There is a data usage plan which isn't particularly great so the amount you pay a month depends on how much data you use. The data usage plan is in tires the first is $35, the second is $45 and the third is $60. The data use plan is stricter than broad band internet in town.  A plus for the hub though is that up to 10 computers or other devices can connect wirelessly and there are also four Ethernet cables in the back.

2. Internet Stick

This is not the most ideal home solution but it will work well if you don't use a lot of data. There is usually no start up fees but the monthly plans aren't good if you use the internet a lot. The plans are very most services have the first tier of their plan only allowing you to have 500mb of data for $30 or $35 a month. The speed depends on your cell phone reception but if you do have good cell phone reception it can be a fast connection.

3. Wireless Broadband
There is quite a few companies that are investing in wireless broadband. In some areas there are local services that provide wireless broadband. The speed of the service does vary; some services only provide less than a megabyte. Most services do have quite an expensive start up fee, at least $150.

4. Satellite
If nothing else works or is available this may be a good solution. Well this is often less than a megabyte in speed it is still faster than dial-up. Satellite internet is usually quite expensive though and a big start up fee.

Note: A lot of times even if you are with the same ISP as before watch to see if the new service uses mobile internet. If it does use mobile internet a lot of times you will have to change your email if you had an email address with your internet provider before.


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