Saturday, October 16, 2010

Are We Too Connected?

With many social networks we can be connected to many people. It can be beneficial because you able to stay in touch with people that live far away. It can be annoying though hearing everything that people do. Some celebrities constantly tweet about where there eating and what they are doing and other details about their lives. This interests some people that are celebrity crazed and want to know what celebrities are doing every minute. The only benefit that I can think of for following a celebrity is finding out about concerts or what movies there are going to be in. I do admit though much rather hear about celebrities fantastic lives and travelling around the world though then one of my facebook friends posting some boring everyday activity like eating lunch. There are benefits and negatives of being connected but probably more benefits, after all why would people choose to be part of social networking sites like facebook, twitter and MySpace if there weren't benefits. In this connected world you just have to watch what you post and the pictures that others upload of you because a lot of things can't be easily deleted. 

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