Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Limewire No More

Today the popular music sharing network was ordered to shut down their file sharing network. Limewire has been fighting with the music industry for years and the music industry finally won. Now I'm sure there will be many more ITunes downloads, not like there wasn't millions before. I'm surprised that this case turned out the way it did and that Limewire was forced to shut down but then again the music industry would have more power over a relatively small software company. The Limewire website now has a notice saying that Limewire was forced to shut down because of a court order. Limewire being forced to shut down their file sharing network won't stop people from downloading free music though there is still many other file sharing networks out there. Limewire does say that this won't permanently put them out of business though and that they are working with the music industry and making the necessary changes. It will be interesting in the future if Limewire bounces back from this court order and what Limewire will be like if it comes back. 

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