Sunday, October 17, 2010


Blue Tooth has been getting more and more popular lately due to laws in many states and provinces prohibiting talking on your cell phone while driving unless it is connected to a hands free system. Bluetooth has also become more popular because IPod touches now are Bluetooth enabled and can now wireless stream music. There are also other mp3 players that are Bluetooth enabled like the ZuneHD and the Sony X-Series Walkman. IPod touches and other Bluetooth enabled mp3 players can connect to Bluetooth enabled car stereos and head phones. There are also Bluetooth enabled laptops so things such as keyboards and printers can be connected wirelessly. Bluetooth is making it easier to connect devices and is great because you don't have to worry about cords that you would otherwise need to connect devices. I am sure in the future more devices that don't already have Bluetooth will have it. It would be great if one day DVD players, satellite receivers and cable boxes would be Bluetooth enabled so there wouldn't be a mess of cables behind televisions.

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