Monday, October 25, 2010

Computer Infections

Most people who own a computer connected to the Internet have most likely experienced the frustration of getting a computer infection. Depending on the infection it can wreak havoc on your computer and possibly corrupt your operating system files so your operating system has to be reinstalled. Some viruses can just be more of an annoyance than anything others can crash your computer and steal your personal information. In this blog a use the phrase "computer infection" because not all infections are considered viruses in order for an infection to be considered a virus it has to spread from the infected computer to another and not all infections do this. An example computer infection that is not considered a virus is the Trojan Horse infection because it is spread by one user and is not spread from the infected computer to other computers. There are ways to prevent against viruses one of these ways is to download anti-virus software another way is to only download programs and files from reputable sources. This week each day I am going to write about computer infections and there effects and how to avoid them.

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