Thursday, October 21, 2010

Netbook or Laptop

Netbooks were released about a year and have been increasing in popularity since. Netbooks don't have all the features a laptop or desktop computer has and are mainly meant to be used as a web device. There are some things about Netbooks that are disadvantages though. Due to their small size they aren't very ergonomic. Some examples of this is the do have smaller screen size, 5 inches or smaller, and smaller keyboards so it can be harder to type depending on your hand size. Someone who is deciding between a netbook and a laptop has to think about what they are going to be using it for. If they want to just surf the internet and occasionally do word processing than a netbook would be a good choice. If someone wants to use it mainly for word processing and be able to burn and use CDs than they would want to buy a laptop. Another plus about netbooks is they are cheaper than laptops but then again they don't have all the features of laptops. Netbooks are great but they probably won't replace your desktop or laptop computer.

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