Thursday, October 14, 2010

3D Movies and 3D TV

Over the past few years there has been more and more 3D movies at the theaters. Now it seems now every other kids movie is in 3D. For me at least 3D movies aren't as thrilling as they used to be because of seeing so many and it isn't a big deal when a 3D movie is released because so many are being released. 3D effects are not as thrilling. The 3D is definitely used more used in kids movies but more adult movies are taking advantage of this technology. Many movies look great in 3D such as Avatar which was a box office hit due to the amazing effects in the movie. Watching Avatar at the theaters you felt as if you were in the movie flying through Pandora. Many 3D movies are released on DVD in 3D but this does not have the same effect as when you see a 3D movie at the theaters. 3D at home does work better if you have a bigger TV but there is still not the same 3D effects present.
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Companies are taking advantage of at home 3D movies not having near the 3D effects of seeing a 3D movie at the theater. This TVs are very expensive a lot of them are at least two times as more as a 2D TV of the same size. The glasses that you have to buy for the 3D TV are often at least $100 too. These 3D movies don't just have 3D features for a 3D movies, you can watch anything you watch on TV in 3D, or there is also a 2D mode. This is pretty amazing but it is too bad these TVs are so expensive but with all new electronics the price goes down as the technology ages. The future is definitely bright for 3D with so many 3D movies being released and the release of 3D TVs.

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