Monday, October 25, 2010

Mac or PC

People always debate if Macs or PCs are better. The truth is they are very similar, after all how different can computers be. Many people do have a preference of operating system. Some people prefer to have a Mac for many reasons.A benefitof having a Mac is that they aren't as virus prone as PCs because there are less Mac users. The lesser number of Mac users can also be a disadvantage because of some programs that aren't compatible with Macs. This is not as big of a deal any more now that there are more Mac users there are more compatible software you often just have to look harder than if you were buying software for a PC. If you want to buy a Mac you should also expect to pay more than if you were buying a PC. Macs do also boast to be more user friendly than PCs. I did find that apple tries to stick by there products being self explanatory when I got my IPod touch and there was only a small pamphlet outlining some of the futures of my IPod touch and there not being a users manual. Some people argue that PCs crash more than Macs but the truth is all computers can and do have problems.More have PCs so there may be some compatibility issues when creating a program on a Mac and then opening it up on a PC. Macs and PCs are very similar and it is there are less compatibility issues with Macs with more Mac users. 

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