Sunday, September 5, 2010

WiFi Hotspots

During the past few years there has been a increase in Wi-Fi hot spots. More and more restaurants have started having them and have advertised them. A few years ago there were few hot spots; this is probably partly because small Wi-Fi devices (i.e. IPod touches, Nintendo dsis) weren't on the market yet. Many people looking for Wi-Fi access where laptop user but this isn't the case now with iPod touches and even some smart phones such as blackberries and other smart phones  that can also access Wi-Fi networks. Driving through a big city now with an IPod touch you can see how many people also have a home network and how many restaurants have free Wi-Fi. Some smaller restaurants have also have taken advantage of this trend. I saw a  commercial while watching the Tacoma Washington station advertising that Mc Donald's there have free Wi-Fi.  Wi-Fi hotspots are a selling feature for many business people and the everyday facebookers. Hotels often decide to have a hotel wide Wi-Fi network instead of having internet hook ups in each room as it is a lot cheaper. This idea also doesn't discriminate against laptop users (unless very old) but if there are just internet hookups in each room then an IPod touch user can't access the internet. Over all Wi-Fi hotspots are a great idea for restaurants and hotels in this day of fast communication and people always wanting to be connected. Some places that you wouldn't expect to have Wi-Fi hotspots also have them such as hockey arenas and some cities also have a city wide wireless network, but these networks you often need a subscription for.

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