Sunday, September 5, 2010

Face Time Future or Fad?

The IPhone four has come out a month or so ago and with it Face Time was released. Face Time is a "revolutionary application" in the words of apple but the truth is similar features have been on less popular phones that there hasn't been a huge hype about unlike the IPhone 4. Face Time lets the user video call someone using the IPhone 4's front facing camera. In the next few weeks Face Time will also be released on the new IPod touch 4. The commercials for the IPhone 4 were quite impressive and really showcased situations where the feature would come in handy. The truth is though that Face Time only works with  WiFi so it would only really come in handy mostly at home or at a cafe or somewhere else you can get WiFi access. It is not the kind of on the go application that some may think it is. There would be only some situations where this application would come in handy. You can also only use this application if the other person has an IPhone 4. This application might be more impressive if you can use it to talk to people on MSN or facebook via web cam.

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