Friday, September 17, 2010

The Burj Dubai

This article isn't as much about computer and computer device related as my other posts but I still thought I'd write about it because it is technology related. The Burg Dubai is the tallest building in the world, standing at 828 meters (2,717 feet); it replaced the CN tower in the record books as the tallest free standing structure a few years ago during construction. It is more impressive than the CN tower too because unlike the CN tower it is a multi-purpose tower and not just used to transmit radio signals. The building of the Burj Dubai started on January 4, 2004 and was finished on January 4, 2010. It has an enormous number of floors, a total of 162 and many of the higher floors are residential, these people must have quite a view. The Burj Dubai is now named the Burj Khalifa to honor the president of the UAE Khalifa bin Zayea. The Burg Dubai has a total of 54 elevators; the elevators are one of the interesting things in this enormous sky scraper. The elevators are double-decker so more passengers can fit and they are very fast, travelling 10 meters per second. To cut time the computer controlling the elevators assigns people to elevators based on what floor they are going to. Passengers first enter what floor they are travelling on a key pad or a touch screen and then are assigned to a specific elevator according to floor number. In the Burg Dubai there is also extremely fast internet speeds up to 21mb/ps. This enormous tower is going to have a large population too there are 1,044 apartments in the Burj Dubai and many hotel rooms. In total 21,000 people are expected to live and work in the Burj Dubai. It is amazing something this big can be built and I'm sure there are amazing thing that contributed to building this monster too such as the advanced computer system that designed it. I'm sure too that there are computer systems too that control the air conditioning to keep this monster cool considering the enormous size and the desert heat.

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