Saturday, September 11, 2010

Technology in the Classroom

Millions of children and teens went back to school this past Tuesday depending on where you live. Children packed up their bags with binders, paper, pencils and pens. Apart from taking notes children and teens are now using computers more than ever because of this technological age we live in. There are now interactive boards called activboards. These are great because they go a step further than projectors because they can be interacted with. They can be written on with special styluses and once written on can be easily erased without mess unlike chalk boards which leave residue on the board and on the users hands. Many more schools are focusing on how to give their students more much needed computer skills that are needed in today's work world. Children who have learning difficulties now have the option of having a laptop to help them with their everyday class work. Some children who have trouble writing are also often with provided with laptops. Younger and younger children are being encouraged to type out big projects because this is the way they will be handing in papers as they get into high school and just later elementary school. Technology is now be incorporated in the classroom more than it every has.

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