Monday, September 6, 2010

Laptops For Three Year Olds

It seems that computer companies are trying to target younger and younger audiences. This came especially apparent to me after I saw a dell commercial and one of the kids with a full backpack (the commercial's message was don't make your kids pack too much this school year) was a young school age boy, so not a three year old but not the age of child that you would think of buying a laptop for. Technology definitely does benefit kids but would a child be benefitted enough to have their own computer. Not to mention though how rough kids are with their toys. Would they understand that a laptop isn't a toy and be gentle with it? It's great for kids to have access to a computer but a child but having a brand new computer may be a bit much it's different than a child having an old computer that they can just play on or sharing a computer. I wonder though it one day this will be normal for younger kids to have their own laptops but spending that much money for a brand new laptop doesn't seem a good idea for a child that young. Children definitely are using computers at a younger and younger age and computer skills are being taught more and more to younger and younger kids. I understand a younger child having a laptop for a learning disability but if the child doesn't have any learning disabilities than it does not make sense for a young child to have a laptop.

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