Monday, September 6, 2010

Is Blu-ray Going to Replace DVDs? Is it Worth Upgrading?

A few years ago Blu-ray players and discs were released. The Blu-ray discs couldn't be played in a normal DVD player but was the same size but the information on it was burned on it with a blue light instead of the red light used in burning DVDs. There was a lot of hype about Blu-ray discs and Blu-ray players because everyone thought this was going to be similar to the wipe out of VHS. It has been a few years since Blu-ray has been released more and more movies are being released on Blu-ray but a lot of movies are still being released on DVD. Some movies are still being released on both and some companies release both and sell  Blu-ray combo packs with the DVD included but most movies are still released in DVD and Blu-ray. The release of Blu-ray is definitely not like the release of DVD which quickly took over so it got more and more difficult to find VHS. Now with pay per view and more services like Netflix many people decide to order movies digitally instead of having to worry about getting the video back in time. A lot of times pay per view is only a dollar more than renting a movie or sometimes the same price (depending on the price to rent a DVD at your local video store). Blu-ray does boast about sound quality and how much more data a Blu-ray disc can store. Blu-ray discs often have more bonus features.With the release of Blu-ray I have also noticed that DVDs have less and less bonus features because film companies want you to buy the more expensive Blu-ray disc. Blu-ray players also have internet capabilities which regular DVD players don't where you can see bonus internet content. Blu-ray players prices are dropping because it's not as new of a technology anymore but I wouldn't rush out to go get a Blue-ray player until it is harder to find normal DVDs (which are often a lot cheaper than Blu-ray discs).

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