Monday, January 31, 2011

Advantage Card

A few months ago CIBC introduced a new Visa Debit Card called the Advantage Card. This card unlike many debit cards can work outside of Canada and can work online because the card can use the Visa network to process purchases. There are debit cards that you are available through other banks that you can use online but only at select Canadian merchants but with this card you can make purchases anywhere Visa cards are accepted. The advantage card is different from a traditional Debit card because the transaction is processed using the Visa network when the Debit network is unavailable or you are using the card online. This card also has an added security feature because it is verified by Visa so it is part of Visa's zero liability program .This means that if your card information or your card is stolen and you discover that there are purchases on your bill you didn't make you don't have to pay for them. This card is also great because if you are under 16 but have a joint account with a parent or guardian you can still get the card so you can make purchases online and in other countries. This is a great Debit card for people that want to make purchases online but don't want to get a credit card.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Another Post Tomorrow

Tomorrow my post will be about the Visa Debit Card the called the Advantage Card that CIBC released this past October. The post will be published at noon eastern time. You can also see todays post here or yesterdays post here.

How to Transfer Music and Other Data from Your iPod to Computer

A few weeks ago I wrote about how you can't transfer app data doesn't sync and when you get a new computer and you sync your iPod with it you lose game scores and other app data. Today I'm going to tell you how you can transfer music, videos and other data from your iPod to computer.
  1. First you have to determine if you have an older iPod. If you do you will see your iPod in my computer in the devices with removable storage section and it will function as a disk drive so you won't have to download a program to transfer music and videos. All iPod touches and iPhones do not function as disk drives so you will have to download a program to transfer data to your computer.
Make sure you have ITunes downloaded and installed. After you have ITunes installed hook up your iPod to your computer. ITunes will try to sync and quickly stop it. Then go to the iPod information and unselect the sync iPod when iPod is connected option.
  1. Next you have to download a program to transfer data from your iPod or iPhone. Some programs that worked good for me are music rescue and DiskAid and Music Rescue. If you just want to transfer music, music rescue works fine but it doesn't let you transfer videos. Disk Aid you can transfer videos and music
  2. Then you have to transfer the data in Disk Aid you have to go click on the media folder file and then click on ITunes control and then click copy to PC at the top.
  3. Then it will ask you where you want to save the ITunes control folder and you can save it in my document or wherever you want.
  4. Then you can go into ITunes and go to file add folder and select the ITunes control folder that you just saved.
  5. In music rescue it you can choose to either quick recover so all your music is transferred from your iPod or select songs that you want to transfer.
  6. To transfer apps you just have to go into ITunes and right click on your iPod in the left bar and select transfer purchases. But be warned this does not transfer app data so if you don't want to sync apps just uncheck the box in the app section of your iPod information and you can get here by clicking on your iPod in the left bar.

I know the pictures are a bit blurry and aren't very clear because they degraded when I uploaded them.
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Saturday, January 29, 2011

2011 Personal Internet Security Virus

There has been a new malware being spread around lately. The virus does seem like a legitimate program and the warnings do look like they come from windows security. This fools many people into downloading it not realizing that it is malware. Once the malware is downloaded there are warning messages that come up saying that your computer is infected with many viruses and it to click to remove all viruses. Once you click on remove all viruses a website opens up and it where you can buy software to get rid of the viruses. DO NOT BUY this software it is a scam and it will not solve the problem. If you do buy person internet security you will lose your money and open yourself up to credit card fraud. There are tutorials and instructions online to get remove the virus; in the online instructions on many websites tell you to delete the virus by going into your program files. This process is difficult and you can possibly delete important files that your computer needs to operate. If your antivirus does not detect the virus when you do a full computer scan you will have to download a malware removal tool to at least try to rid your computer of the malware. You may have trouble going to antivirus websites depending on how much the virus has infected your computer so you may have to download the program on another computer and then save the program to an USB flash drive. To get rid of the virus you might have to put your computer in safe mode so the virus will stop executing so you can delete all the infected files. If you cannot remove the virus you will have to get windows reinstalled. To avoid this virus don't run any programs unless you trust the website.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Credit Card Reader for iPhone and iPod Touch

Recently there has been a new device released that you can use on with your iPod touch or iPhone to read credit cards. This new technology allows small business to except credit cards anywhere as long as they are connected to the Internet. Reading credit cards is not functions that only iPod touches and iPhones can perform there are also credit card readers for other smart phones. Gone are the days when credit cards were carbon copied now credit card transactions are becoming more and more instantaneous. One popular application for iPod, iPhone and iPad is square. For Square you need to download the free app and then they will send you the card reader. You have to register a bank account first before you are able to use the app. When you use to app the customer has to sign after their credit card has been swiped and then they have to choose if they want a receipt sent to via email and enter their email address if they do want a receipt. I don't think that this is the fastest app and it wouldn't work well if there are lots of customers. In my research I also discovered that you don't receive the payment for several days and there is also a fee for using this app like you would for accepting a credit through any method. This app would also be better if the card reader had a chip reader function since a lot of credit cards are now using the chip and PIN technology. If the card reader had a chip reading function it would also make the transaction more secure and a customer entering their pin would also most likely be faster than singing the iPod touch or iPhone screen.

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Sunday, January 9, 2011

Transferring Data from iPod to Computer

People now change computers regularly and whenever you get a new computer you have to transfer all your music, videos, apps and other data over to your new computer. You would think that there would be an easy iPod to computer data transfer tool built into ITunes but there isn't. In ITunes you can transfer purchases and I suppose if you buy all your music from ITunes this will work for songs too but a lot of people don't buy 100% of their music from ITunes. There are however many programs that will let you transfer music from your iPod to your computer. Transferring music from your iPod is easy if you have an older iPod because older iPod models can function as a disk drive so when you connect your iPod to your computer your iPod shows up as a flash drive in the connected devices section in my computer. If you have a home network you can also enable home sharing so that each ITunes library can share with each other. There is no way unfortunately to transfer app data to your new computer's ITunes library so all your game scores and other data will be erased. If you don't want all your game scores to be erased you can choose to manually manage music and choose not to sync apps. Apple should really include an easy transfer tool in the next version of ITunes because many people change computers regularly and in the next version of ITunes app data should also be synced

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Tomorrows Post

Come back tomorrow for my post tomorrow on transferring music, videos and apps from your iPod to a new computer.


It's no secret that with the digital age there is more and more fraud; credit card information is being stolen and identity theft is becoming more and more common. A while ago I wrote about viruses that steal information. To avoid this you need to be careful about downloads and only download programs that you know are safe. Often you can tell if a download is safe by the website. If you are an active internet user you'll probably notice the similarities of website design and the specific traits that legitimate websites share. Credit card fraud is probably the most common type of fraud, there are many horror stories about credit card fraud but often if you do experience someone using your credit card you will get a call from your credit card company informing you of the suspicious activity. An example of suspicious activity could be a purchase is made on your credit card thousands of miles away when you just made a purchase an hour before at a nearby retailer. If you are going on a big road trip such as a cross country road trip you may also want to call your credit card company to inform them of this because if you don't you may receive a call about suspicious credit card activity. These days it is almost impossible to not use your credit card online and you don't you are at a big disadvantage purchasing some things such as booking a vacation. When using your credit card online you should be cautious and make sure the website that you are using is legitimate. If you don't know if a webiste is safe don't give out personal information and expecially no billing information.

Friday, January 7, 2011

2010 Tech Review

2010 has come and gone and with it lots of new technology was released. Through the year of 2010 there was everything from the new iPod released to the Xbox Kinect. There was also interesting tech news this year like the Google self driving cars and the news that there may be super Wi-Fi in the future that will be able to have a much larger range than the current Wi-Fi technology. This year the music industry also cracked down on music sharing laws which resulted limewire shutting down. There have also been many iPod software upgrades that included game centre so friends could finally play against each other on the iPod touch and iPhone. There have been lots of technology that has been either released or in the news in 2010. It will be interesting to see what happens in 2011 and if any major technology is created or if there are some major improvements to existing technology.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Xbox 360 Kinect

The Wii now has competition with the release of Xbox Kinect a while ago now. The X box Kinect is different from the Wii because with the X box Kinect there is no controllers you just use your body. I found this hard to believe that the technology is available to create a game system that you just need to move your body to control and no game controllers. The Kinect system uses cameras and watches your movements and it also has a microphone so you can use voice prompts to control the device. The Xbox Kinect system is different and may attract more of an audience because you can still play non interactive games on the Xbox but on the Wii most games are interactive based. I thought it was especially odd how people just select things by putting their hand out in front of them it almost seemed like something that you would see in a Sci-Fi movie. I can see that you would have to get used to playing on the new system and after all when you are using the Kinect system there are no controllers you are just using your body. It will be interesting to see in the future if Nintendo comes out with more games that involve the use of a camera so far there are one game that I know of that have camera ability but there is supposed to be more on the way.