Thursday, January 13, 2011

Credit Card Reader for iPhone and iPod Touch

Recently there has been a new device released that you can use on with your iPod touch or iPhone to read credit cards. This new technology allows small business to except credit cards anywhere as long as they are connected to the Internet. Reading credit cards is not functions that only iPod touches and iPhones can perform there are also credit card readers for other smart phones. Gone are the days when credit cards were carbon copied now credit card transactions are becoming more and more instantaneous. One popular application for iPod, iPhone and iPad is square. For Square you need to download the free app and then they will send you the card reader. You have to register a bank account first before you are able to use the app. When you use to app the customer has to sign after their credit card has been swiped and then they have to choose if they want a receipt sent to via email and enter their email address if they do want a receipt. I don't think that this is the fastest app and it wouldn't work well if there are lots of customers. In my research I also discovered that you don't receive the payment for several days and there is also a fee for using this app like you would for accepting a credit through any method. This app would also be better if the card reader had a chip reader function since a lot of credit cards are now using the chip and PIN technology. If the card reader had a chip reading function it would also make the transaction more secure and a customer entering their pin would also most likely be faster than singing the iPod touch or iPhone screen.

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