Friday, January 7, 2011

2010 Tech Review

2010 has come and gone and with it lots of new technology was released. Through the year of 2010 there was everything from the new iPod released to the Xbox Kinect. There was also interesting tech news this year like the Google self driving cars and the news that there may be super Wi-Fi in the future that will be able to have a much larger range than the current Wi-Fi technology. This year the music industry also cracked down on music sharing laws which resulted limewire shutting down. There have also been many iPod software upgrades that included game centre so friends could finally play against each other on the iPod touch and iPhone. There have been lots of technology that has been either released or in the news in 2010. It will be interesting to see what happens in 2011 and if any major technology is created or if there are some major improvements to existing technology.

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