Sunday, January 9, 2011

Transferring Data from iPod to Computer

People now change computers regularly and whenever you get a new computer you have to transfer all your music, videos, apps and other data over to your new computer. You would think that there would be an easy iPod to computer data transfer tool built into ITunes but there isn't. In ITunes you can transfer purchases and I suppose if you buy all your music from ITunes this will work for songs too but a lot of people don't buy 100% of their music from ITunes. There are however many programs that will let you transfer music from your iPod to your computer. Transferring music from your iPod is easy if you have an older iPod because older iPod models can function as a disk drive so when you connect your iPod to your computer your iPod shows up as a flash drive in the connected devices section in my computer. If you have a home network you can also enable home sharing so that each ITunes library can share with each other. There is no way unfortunately to transfer app data to your new computer's ITunes library so all your game scores and other data will be erased. If you don't want all your game scores to be erased you can choose to manually manage music and choose not to sync apps. Apple should really include an easy transfer tool in the next version of ITunes because many people change computers regularly and in the next version of ITunes app data should also be synced

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