Friday, November 5, 2010

Relying on Computers Too Much?

These days computers are used all the time. Computers are used for creating documents and keeping track of data. Computers make many tasks easier and are able organize information more efficiently. This is great except when it comes to computer failure and data loss. Businesses try to avoid catastrophic effects by backing up information. Backing up information is a great idea because you don't want to suffer precious data loss. This is especially important for anyone who uses their computer for work and has information that if lost could financially effect them. It is also a good idea to back up pictures on to CDs. Backing up pictures on to CDs is great for printing off pictures since it is usually cheaper to print off pictures at photo kiosks at places such as Wal-Mart. Computers aren't always 100% reliable so it is important to back up data that you wouldn't want to lose.

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