Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Cell Phone Cameras

These days it is hard to find a new cell phone that doesn't have a camera. Cell phone cameras are great because you can take pictures and videos whenever you want. You are able to capture things that you wouldn't normally be able to. Now on the news even when there wasn't any cameras from the news channel there to capture the event but they can still show what happened because someone was able to capture the footage on their cell phone. Cell phone pictures and videos tend to vary in quality and most aren't as good as taking pictures or videos with a camera. Cell phone cameras tend to vary in mega pixels depending on the cell phone or smart phone. Smart phones like iPhones have more mega pixels than cheaper cell phones. A lot of low end cell phones have only a bit more than a mega pixel. A lot of times even if you take a picture of something you can't make out what the picture is of. Some low end cell phones don't have the ability to zoom so this also makes it difficult to take a good picture.

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