Sunday, September 12, 2010

Wireless Communications are the Future

Every year the number of cell phone users increases. At the end of 2008 there were approximately 4 billion mobile phones in use. Many developed countries more than 100% of their population have a cell phone this is because many people have more than one phone, often people have a work and a personal phone. Even in less developed countries cell phones use is increasing. For example in Africa the use of cell phones is increasing by 50% every year. In many places there was little or no communication now people have the ability to communicate with anyone, anytime and anywhere in the world. In a lot of developing countries the government is investing in wireless communications instead of wired communications. Countries are investing in wireless communications because it is a cheaper to build cell towers than to lay phone lines. A lot of the population of these countries is rural and would make it even more expensive to lay phone lines. Cell phones not to long use to be just a mobile phone without the ability to send text messages (SMS) or browse the internet. Now people can have access to the internet anywhere and anytime. The ability to access the internet anywhere and anytime has benefited business people so they can receive important emails anytime and anywhere. There is also now mobile internet sticks that work with laptops so you can use the internet almost anywhere.

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