Sunday, September 5, 2010

Car Elevator???

I thought this was the coolest thing when I first received a chain email titled "new way to park your car" with this link attached to it. I followed the link and to my surprise a video played. At first the voice in the background just talked about the parking problems in Budapest and shows a square that was previously crowded with cars. You then see a car travelling into a parking garage, the driver shortly gets out and parks the car in the small garage. You wonder why the voice in the background calls this area a transfer area because you assume the car is going to stay there but this question is quickly answered. At this point I didn't realize that the car was just temporarily parked in the garage and as soon as the driver pays the car is going on a journey in an elevator. The video continues on to show the car being transported on the elevator to its final parking spot. Next it shows the driver coming back to pick up the car and it being retrieved. In the video it mentions how theft doesn't happen which would be good especially for someone with a high end car such as the Mercedes in the video. I also found it quite extraordinary that it only takes less than two minutes and the longest 4 minutes to deliver the car once the driver comes. It definitely takes often takes a lot longer to find your car in a normal car parking garage depending where it is parked. You definitely have to wonder how much it costs to park your car here but I don't think money would be very much of an object for someone who has a nice car and who obviously has money who doesn't want it to get damaged. This is most likely the target audience considering the car in the video is a Mercedes.

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