Saturday, October 29, 2011

Internet Access Around the World

Depending on where in the world you are how you get internet access can vary. For example in more remote locations many people get internet access through satellite. Satellite internet is okay for simple tasks but it is not ideal because it can be very temperamental because it can be affected by the weather. Satellite is used in portable applications like on ships and some airlines do use satellite internet for oversea flights. You should be cautious paying for satellite internet while on a cruise or when flying because of it's not the most reliable because unlike other forms of communications satellite internet can be affected by the weather. Many remote places are now investing in wireless communications.

Wireless communications are a cheaper alternative to running cable which is a lot of times not possible depending on how remote the community is and a lot of times wireless communications are a fraction of the cost of wired communications. It is odd that in many 3rd world countries depending on where you are it can be easier to get internet access because there are internet cafes and public internet access but in more developed countries there isn't as much of this because people have private internet access. The internet can also open up business opportunities for people in 3rd world countries because now they have the opportunity to start online businesses.

The internet is very important for people nowadays because it is the way many people communicate in this age and it is also very beneficial to buisnesses and now people in remote places can have online businesses. Because of the interent big role in business and for people to communicate it is important that people have access to it.

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