Sunday, April 24, 2011

Trolls and Shit Talking Through Digital Communications

Almost everyone if not experienced it firsthand or has heard about people having negative communications with people through some sort of digital communications. These people are often, shall I say more open about their thoughts and feelings through texting or communicating over the internet. It is surprising what people will say when not talking face to face. For most people it is easier to say something nasty to someone else by saying it on facebook, instant messaging them or texting them than going up to them. There are quite a few reasons for this and here are two.

  1. You avoid physical harm by shit talking through digital communications. You avoid being physically harmed by the person who you are talking to or their friends. Although it is not guaranteed that you won't be physically harmed in the future you won't right away.
  2. When talking online there are often not other people around which can also make it easier if the person is often with his or her friends. This way you won't have more than one person mad at you (at least not right away).
It is surprising how different people communicate with you if they aren't talking to your face. Most but not all the people that comment on things like You Tube videos would never say that to the person's face. I remember in particular hearing that people have commented on Rebecca Black's video telling her to become anorexic and cut herself. Don't get me wrong Friday is a horrible song and music video and one of the few music videos that have more than 2,000,000 dislikes but telling someone that they should become anorexic and to cut themselves is a little harsh, actually a lot harsh. Through communications many people seem to not be polite and in the future people need learn about how to be courteous and polite on the internet.

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