Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Wi-Fi Dangerous?

A week or two ago I was watching a program about the dangers of Wi-Fi. I honestly could not take the topic seriously. They interviewed people that did research on Wi-Fi and its apparent dangers. They did speak to some children that did get headaches after their school installed Wi-Fi. I can understand the concern of a small group of children getting headaches and it is unfortunate that some people feel sick because of it. I don't think that because of this that Wi-Fi is dangerous to the general population. These children may just be allergic to the Wi-Fi or in better words more sensitive to radio frequencies. I find people saying Wi-Fi because of some people that are affected by it saying the equivalent of peanuts are dangerous because some people are allergic to them. Wi-Fi is a great internet solution why would school boards decide to string Ethernet cable all around which is a lot more expensive solution when they are already strapped for cash. For the apparent dangers of Wi-Fi to actually be taken seriously more people need to be affected by it because the majority of people aren't affected and aren't even aware of its existence. We definitely shouldn't worry; after all it may just be the people with these symptoms that are the problem not the Wi-Fi.

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