Saturday, November 5, 2011

Minimum Age on Internet

Many sites make the user provide their age. A site that does this is facebook which you technically need to be 13 to use but it is almost impossible to enforce. The lack of being able to enforce this rule is evident because of the many young children that have facebook. It makes sense for sites to have this but it isn't the same as showing your ID at a bar. The only way to really enforce the age requirement would to electronically supply ID such as supplying a passport number or other official document, but this would be pretty high security for a site like facebook. You Tube also makes users provide an age but this is put in place young users can't watch flagged content. Many teens under the age of 18 lie about their age so they can the flagged content. Putting ages on the internet and putting other internet restrictions in place is like trying to control the wild west. The internet is almost impossible to control and that is not going to change anytime soon.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Internet Access Around the World

Depending on where in the world you are how you get internet access can vary. For example in more remote locations many people get internet access through satellite. Satellite internet is okay for simple tasks but it is not ideal because it can be very temperamental because it can be affected by the weather. Satellite is used in portable applications like on ships and some airlines do use satellite internet for oversea flights. You should be cautious paying for satellite internet while on a cruise or when flying because of it's not the most reliable because unlike other forms of communications satellite internet can be affected by the weather. Many remote places are now investing in wireless communications.

Wireless communications are a cheaper alternative to running cable which is a lot of times not possible depending on how remote the community is and a lot of times wireless communications are a fraction of the cost of wired communications. It is odd that in many 3rd world countries depending on where you are it can be easier to get internet access because there are internet cafes and public internet access but in more developed countries there isn't as much of this because people have private internet access. The internet can also open up business opportunities for people in 3rd world countries because now they have the opportunity to start online businesses.

The internet is very important for people nowadays because it is the way many people communicate in this age and it is also very beneficial to buisnesses and now people in remote places can have online businesses. Because of the interent big role in business and for people to communicate it is important that people have access to it.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Windows 7 Major Step From XP

Windows 7 definitely is a major step from the drab XP environment. It incorporates many great features that make computing a more enjoyable experience. Some of the great visual features are the taskbar and being able to see a small screen shot of open programs.


You can also quickly view open programs by putting your mouse over the program which will quickly
display the window and then closes it again when you move your mouse away.

On my desktop you can also see that I have the weather forecast displayed on the right. There are many tools that you can add to your desktop, which are called gadgets.
Overall I’ve noticed that windows 7 is faster than Windows XP such as it connects to wireless networks faster than Windows XP and transitions from program to program are faster and more streamline. The speed would also most likely be more noticeable in the 64-bit version of  Windows 7 because of how the RAM is used. Windows 7 also incorporates a new feature called libraries so you can better organize your files into specific groups while the folders in libraries are not actually stored in the library, they are still stored in the my documents folder, they are just displayed in a specific library. This way you can more easily find files.
Overall windows 7 is a big improvement and has many new and innovative features that improve the speed of daily tasks such as changing programs and organizing data.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Apple - Introducing iPhone 4S

There is not a lot new about the iPhone 4S. The iPhone 4S only has two new hardware changes the A5 chip which is supposedly twice as fast as the previous iPhone chip and a 8 megapixel camera which has a redesigned lens with all new optics that will allow you to take great pictures no matter how much light you have or don't have. The IOS 5 does promise some interesting changes in the software like the cloud so all data including apps, music, pictures, documents and other data is pushed to each i device you have.

The most promising new feature in my opinion is the Siri voice command application included in the IOS 5 software. When I first heard about this software I didn't realize how powerful it really is until I saw the video.  You can actually ask it questions like about the weather and it will verbally answer you and you can also ask about the traffic and it will show you. I would be interested to see someone use this and see how good it actually is because who knows how much or if you have to train the application or how accurate it is in real life, and not in a video where they can do all the retakes they want.

The iPhone 4S seems promising and I am curious what the iPhone 5 will be able to do and what the hardware changes are going to be.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

What is Google Chrome OS?

Google Chrome OS post coming soon! Sounds like an interesting operating system, I wonder if it will take off. Follow me on Twitter to find out when I'll be posting.

Facebook Osama Bin Laden Post Coming Soon

There is a outbreak of a facebook virus that says click her to see Osama Bin Laden death photos but this is a scam, there haven't been any photos released and if you follow the link it will just post on your wall or you may get a virus depending on which one it is. I will have a full post with all the details soon.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

BlackBerry Playbook

The iPad has yet another competitor with the release of the BlackBerry PlayBook. The BlackBerry PlayBook like the Samsung Galaxy Tab is more portable because it is not as bulky as the iPad. The PlayBook does have a big thing that the iPad, iPod touch and iPhone don't have which is flash support. It is surprising that the iPad, iPod touch and iPhone still don't have this and there was always talk that it was coming with the next update but it still hasn't came. The PlayBook also really advertises that with Blackberry Bridge you can really interact with your BlackBerry but iPad doesn't have these kinds of features. The iPad like any Wi-Fi device can join your phone's Wi-Fi network but you can't interact with your phone. BlackBerry advertises that by using BlackBerry Bridge you can get full email inbox functionality and you can also see all your contacts. I suppose the BlackBerry Playbook's demographics are different than the iPad; the BlackBerry Playbook demographic is more geared towards business people while the iPad isn't aimed at this demographic as much. The BlackBerry PlayBook is yet another competitor in the tablet computer market and there will surely be more competitors in the future.